We made it to Miami safely yesterday, no incidents or even pain from the plane ride, other than being exhausted from getting up at 3:30 am. Hunter and Nate were kind enough to switch seats with me away from J so I could rest a little.
Then exactly one mile from the hotel, we got rear ended by a taxi cab. Thankfully we were stopped in traffic and he was going slow and no one was hurt. I was hugging my pillow and did feel like I over stretched something on my left side, but no worse then when I put the coat on funny a few weeks ago. It was just so frustrating waiting for the highway patrol, filling out the report and being delayed an hour when we were so close and starving. I feel fine today, but will talk to my Dr and have her check me out.
We have been to beach today so J could swim in the ocean, which was the first thing he wanted to do. That lasted about 5 minutes until he got hit by a wave and drank ocean water. Spending the rest of the day by the kids pool. I am still super tired, I think mainly just from the travel and time change. Relaxing in the sun, well, under an umbrella, is just what I needed.