Bye Bye Expanders. I won’t miss you.

Final surgery done! Woohooooo! Comparatively speaking, today was a piece of cake. I was not very nervous about this surgery; as I tell the nurses when they ask me if I have any questions, “this is not my first rodeo.” I actually counted last week, this is the 8th surgery in my lifetime. WTF.
In the past 4 days, I have hosted (with lots of help) a bridal shower for a dear friend and put my son on a plane BY HIMSELF to go to my mom’s. Those things were way more stressful. Now all of the hard stuff is over, and I get to relax at home with my husband and pain meds for a few days.
My chest is wrapped up in bandage, all the way around pretty tight so I have no idea what the new boobs look like yet. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning so we will get the reveal then. My Dr. did some fat grafting from my stomach (free liposuction! HA) and those incisions hurt more than my boobs currently when I move.
The process is still not over for me. In a few months, once I am well healed, I will have 3-D nipples tattooed (this will be my artist – warning- random boob pictures 🤗…/portland-is-one-of-the-only-places-…/) on and I am also going to have my scars tattooed all pretty, maybe with cherry blossoms or star gazer lilies. I may also add a “F You Cancer” in cursive pink script on my back scar. Because, why hell not?
Thank you for all of your kind words today and support through this process! And the food and gift cards! Tonight, we enjoyed a fabulous dinner from Stephanie Hartman! We appreciate it so much!

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