December 7, 1941 was a historic day for the United States. Pearl Harbor was attacked and FDR asked Congress to declare war. December 7, 2012 was a historic day for me. I was diagnosed with breast cancer and hard to start my own war, against my own body. I will never forget my diagnosis date; it was so life changing. 5 years ago today, I heard the words that changed me as a person: “You have cancer.” I should be celebrating 5 years and cancer free, but that was not in the cards for me. January 13, 2017 I heard those words again. Seriously? This had to be a joke, right? But no such luck. I had a new primary occurrence in my other breast. Damn it. That led to the hardest year in my life. 2017 has truly been awful. But then, when I sit back and look at my life and really think about it, I am so blessed. I have my family and friends who would do anything for me and who have gone above and beyond this
year. We have a home, jobs, food and presents under the tree (or sitting in a huge pile of Amazon boxes waiting to be wrapped) and truly are fortunate. While, it hard been hard, it could always be worse. I am stronger than this. I am thankful for every day that I have with those that I love. Today, I got to do art with my son in his 1st grade class. It does not get much better than this.
Love this. Love you. Love his art ❤️