Back to Reality

I just had to change the first dirty diaper in a week. Boy do I miss Nate who is back at work and my Mom and Grandma who are on a plane home. Seriously, I could not have made it though the past week without all of them! My OCD does not make for a good patient and having others do things for me because no one does it the way that I would do it. I am truly a pain in the ass. I cannot thank them them all enough.

I am doing well. The biggest thing now is just being tired. All the damn time. Yesterday I managed without a nap, and today I might have to since J slept in the car to and from the airport, but at least I am sleeping through the night better. I can now sleep on the surgery side too so I can do my normal flip flop routine.

The bruising is now phenomenal and I would take a picture, but no one really wants to see that.

Physically, I feel better every day. Granted, I am not going to be doing any heavy vacuuming anytime soon (weird movements of my left arm do cause an odd twinge in the back of my armpit which must be from the lymph node biopsy, but it immediately goes away) and I am not going to be back to good burpees in exercise class soon. Hell, I have never done a good burpee in my life, but at least I try now.

Now I have plenty of time to relax (ha ha), but at least J likes to catch up on American Idol with me. We agree, Nicki Minaj is a piece of work and annoying.

Love to you all. I will update tomorrow after my post-op appointment with the surgeon.


I am over this. Off the pain meds, but they have messed up my stomach which is no fun. I am still sleeping a ton, not sure If I need it or just because I can.   The bruises are now super pretty shades of purple, blue and yellow. My underarm area is swollen with some fluid but I spoke with my nurse yesterday and she said that is very normal since I don’t have a drain (so thankful about that) and if necessary they can deal with it during my Tuesday appointment. As long as it does not hurt, does not seem infected or is the size of a LEMON, it is fine. Truly, a lemon!

I have caught up on ‘Parenthood’ and thankfully her cancer is gone too. I can’t wait to be declared cancer free and go to Hawaii. That’s what they did.

I know I am supposed to be healing, but I just feel lazy. I can do most things for myself, my left arm is almost back to full movement, but I have not picked up J on that side yet. I also have not changed a diaper in 5 days which is very strange.

One day at a time.

A shower and clean clothes are a beautiful thing! Feeling a bit better overall, still taking it easy. My follow up appointment with my surgeon is next Tuesday at 12 pm. Should find out the final pathology results and next steps at that time.

Resting Up

Being a patient is very hard for me, i prefer taking care of people, not the other way around. Unless it is a massage, i like those. I am definitely sore, stiff and tired. Bruised up around the incision, but it is off to the side and will hardly be noticeable once it is healed. I am trying to sleep, but that is not working so catching up on TV instead. I am very glad that the surgery is over and can mentally relax a little. Thank you everyone for all of your support, prayers and love!

Home for dinner!

Hi everyone, I am up for some soup, (thank you Lindsay Palmer!) and pain meds. I am sore in the incision area, have a sore throat and am worn out. It is back to bed for me. Thank you to my wonderful husband, Nathan Beck for being by my side every moment possible today and for keeping everyone updated and to my mom and grandma for taking great care of Jackson today, or Jackson taking care of them. HA.

Recovery – Post from Nate

I am back in the recovery room with her, Michelle being ever the optimist and a great mom, the first words out of her mouth is “How’s Jackson?” She is doing great, a little nauseous, but good. They are giving her some pain meds, and something for the nausea. She can barely keep her eyes open at this point, but the road to recovery has started!

Update: We are still at the hospital in recovery. Michelle was doing great, until they had her stand up, then her stomach decided that it wanted to jump up and down like a trampoline. She had another shot of the anti-nausea medication, and has been sleeping. She just ate some toast, if that stays down, I think that we can head home in about 30-45 minutes.



Out of Surgery – Post from Nate

OK, So the Dr just came out and talked to me. Michelle is out of surgery now and in recovery. The Dr says that the pathology in the lymph nodes was negative in the quick run, and that they think that they got all the cancer. They took an extra 6 margins around the area during the surgery. Now starts the road to recovery for Michelle. It should be fairly easy for her, lots of ice, and she has prescriptions for pain meds if needed. I will update again after we get home.